Inktober 2017 Days 25-31

Inktober Day 25 - The Rats Ruled The Rotunda!

Inktober Day 26 - The residents of Birmingham were mesmerised, and could only look up into the skies above their city...

Inktober Day 27 - By now, the rats had set up a control centre in the Rotunda building to keep tabs on the residents of Birmingham...

Inktober Day 28 - The rats in the Squeaky Blinders had become corrupted by their own power and wealth

Inktober Day 29 - But then, one day, they heard a strangely compelling but alarming sound...

Inktober Day 30 - And there, looming large over the skyline of Birmingham was the Pied Rat Piper, who had appeared to take the rats away...

Inktober Day 31 - The Pied Rat Piper led the Squeaky Blinders towards Spaghetti Junction, where he showed them the way to their original homes...